Autel Explorer

For EVO II Series


Google Play

Android (APK)

Smart Controller

1.13.0 (04/19/2022)


What's New

New Features

  • Added KML/KMZ file import in mission

  • Added media file encryption

  • Added frequently used pitch angle shortcut (0, 30, 45, 60, 90 degrees)

  • Added the Weather and EXIF Compatibility options in mission

  • Added flight log auto-sync to Airdata, Dronelogbook and Aloft (pending for Aloft support)

Bug fixes and optimizations

  • Fixed the mission photo number display inconsistency in elevation optimization (04/19/2022)


What's New

New Features

  • Added KML/KMZ file import in mission

  • Added media file encryption

  • Added frequently used pitch angle shortcut (0, 30, 45, 60, 90 degrees)

  • Added the Weather and EXIF Compatibility options in mission

  • Added flight log auto-sync to Airdata, Dronelogbook and Aloft (pending for Aloft support)

Bug fixes and optimizations

  • Fixed the mission photo number display inconsistency in elevation optimization (04/19/2022)


What's New

New Features

  • Added KML/KMZ file import in mission

  • Added media file encryption

  • Added frequently used pitch angle shortcut (0, 30, 45, 60, 90 degrees)

  • Added the Weather and EXIF Compatibility options in mission

  • Added flight log auto-sync to Airdata, Dronelogbook and Aloft (pending for Aloft support)

Bug fixes and optimizations

  • Fixed the mission photo number display inconsistency in elevation optimization Smart Controller Only (04/19/2022)


What's New

New Features

  • Added KML/KMZ file import in mission

  • Added media file encryption

  • Added frequently used pitch angle shortcut (0, 30, 45, 60, 90 degrees)

  • Added the Weather and EXIF Compatibility options in mission

  • Added flight log auto-sync to Airdata, Dronelogbook and Aloft (pending for Aloft support)

Bug fixes and optimizations

  • Fixed the mission photo number display inconsistency in elevation optimization